About Us
After years of research and testing, 3iQ Ventures has unveiled an industry changing wave making product for aquariums, ponds and gardens, called SCWD (Switching Current Water Director). SCWD ("squid") promises to add life giving alternating currents to saltwater and freshwater aquariums alike, as well as ponds; and decorative alternating sprays to garden statuary. SCWD is a revolutionary mechanical wave maker, designed and manufactured in the United States by 3iQ, to the highest standards of quality and reliability. SCWD is clearly the most efficient wave maker available. It is, in fact, the best, most cost effective mechanical current generating device available on the market today.
No more electricity wasted on multiple powerheads or pumps. Use your existing pump canister filter or powerhead to change a single flow of water into a back and fourth alternating current without electricity.
By installing SCWD in a closed loop setup or in-line with your current water circulation pump, you not only get outstanding water movement but you use no additional electricity. This means no additional heat, therefore less cooling needs (also saving electricity and wear & tear on your chiller). What's more, you rid your aquarium of unsightly and unnecessary clutter, which draws away from your fresh or saltwater display's natural beauty.
It's really quite simple, the SCWD is environmentally friendly, and at the same time you save money. You benefit and your tank thrives!